Welcome to the Schwaben Verein of Chicago!
Founded in 1878, the Schwaben Verein of Chicago is one of the oldest German ethnic organizations in Chicagoland. While founded as a mutual aid society for the many emigrants from "Schwaben", an area in Germany's Southwest that is part of the contemporary German states of Baden-Wuerttemberg and Bavaria, it continues to exist as a social and charitable club (Verein) for people with all kinds of middle European origins and connections.
Naturally, we emphasize our Swabian heritage, and corner stones of our annual calendar are the celebration of the Cannstatter Volksfest, now also know as the Schwaben or German-American Summerfest, in recognition of Germany's second largest harvest festival in the Swabian capitol of Stuttgart, and a Schillerfeier, honoring the Swabian poet prince Friedrich von Schiller.
Our Vereinsheim (club house), shared with the Schwaben AC (Athletic Club) and with the Grove Banquets, the Schwaben Center, is located at 301 N. Weiland Road in Buffalo Grove, Illinois (one quarter mile north of Lake Cook Road). It is there where our events typically take place. There is free parking.
The 2019 Board of the Verein
George Boehm
Harry Vizethum
1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
Joseph Arnold
Recording Secretary
Robert Iberle
Corresponding Secretary
Bryan Opitz
Edie Opitz
Cheryl Parker
Dale Hoppenrath
Ray Quitschau
Frank Winter
The 2019 Members of the Finance Committee
Otto Weber
Anton Iberle
Karl Ritz
The 2019 Delegates to the Schwaben Center Board
George Boehm
Joseph Arnold
Ray Quitschau
Geirge Rieg
Bryan Opitz
Karl Ritz
Tom Engels
Dale Hoppenrath
The 2019 Delegates to the German Day Association
Helga Zettl
Anna Reiter
Uli Senz
Marianne Wehrle
Joseph Arnold
The 2019 Board Meeting Schedule
(All board meetings take place on the 1st Thursday of each month and start at 7:30 PM at the Schwaben Center, 301 Weiland Road, Buffalo Grove)
January 3rd
February 7th
March 7th
April 4th
May 2nd
June -May 30th
July ...no meeting
August 1st
September ..5th
October 3rd
November 7th
December 5th
The 2019 Membership Meeting Schedule
(All membership meetings take place on a Sunday at the Schwaben Center, 301 Weiland Road, Buffalo Grove)
March 10th, 2:00 PM
June 30th, 2:00 PM
August 4th, 2:00 PM
November 10th, 1:00 PM (with elections and Schiller Feier)
December 8th, Christmas Party 1:00PM
Our Connections and Affiliations
Schwaben AC
We share the Schwaben Center and many activities with our soccer crazy brothers and sisters of the Schwaben Athletic Club.
Schwaben Charity Fund
To honor deceased relatives and friends with a memorial or to make an endowment to the fund please contact the treasurer Anton R. Iberle (9534 S. Sawyer Avenue, Evergreen Park, IL 60805, 708.499.2817)
The Schwaben Center for Your Parties
Always consider first the Schwaben Center for your social affairs such as:
- weddings
- birthday parties
- anniversaries
- etc.
The Grove
Banquets Catering and meeting rooms
Hanna & Adam Hryniewicki
301 N. Weiland Road
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
PH: 847-229-1000
FAX: 847-229-1240
German Day Association (Deutsche Tag Vereinigung)
The Schwaben Verein is an active member of this umbrella organization