2005 NO 46
Let me start by wishing you all a happy
spring. Hopefully, we can start to string
together a number of warm days.
I enjoy this time of year to get outside and
work on the yard. I really enjoy this time
of the year in my cabin where Mother's Day
triggers the start of trout fishing season.
Whoever planned it that way must not have thought
very highly of his or her mother. I hope
every one of you enjoyed your Mother's Day, and I
hope the fishing goes well.
Aside from fishing, you all know how much we
enjoy our German-American Summerfest (the Schwaben
Fest). This year the fest is planned for
August 20th and 21st. I always like to take
every opportunity i have to encourage our members
to participate and volunteer their time to make
this another successful Fest. Once again,
entertainment will be provided by "Die
Fidelen Kirchheimer", old friends directly
from Germany.
Hope you have a wonderful spring and start of a
great fishing season.